Project Summary
Tetrachloroethylene (PCE) and its by-products have been identified in soil and groundwater at or near the property. The former use of PCE for dry cleaning appears to be a source of the groundwater impacts. However, additional subsurface investigations indicated the probable presence of sources other than Fairfield Cleaning & Laundry for the VOC impacted groundwater at and in the vicinity of the Site. As a result, Murex performed soil and groundwater Investigation, Groundwater Monitoring, Feasibility Study, Health Risk Assessment, and Probable Cost Estimates for the selected Remedial Action. The Site investigation identified two other Dry Cleaners as a source of groundwater impacts. The lead agency on this project was the San Francisco Bay Area Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Challenges – Because of the involvement of other Dry Cleaners, efforts were made to refine the delineation of impacted groundwater associated with the Site and differentiate the Fairfield Cleaners plume of impacted groundwater from plumes with off-site sources.